
5th July 2017
Switchable liquid crystal contact lens with graphene electrodes fabricated by the Leeds team. Copyright: Leeds University

From Novel Soft Materials to Switchable Contact Lenses

The use of liquid crystals is well established in displays used in smart phones and large area TVs. A new effect has been found in bent core liquid crystal compounds that form an... (Read more)
4th July 2017
In situ SERRS detection of quorum sensing pyocyanin in cultures of P. aeruginosa bacteria grown on plasmonic nanostructured materials. Copyright: Andrea La Porta

Non-Invasive, Label-Free Detection and Imaging of Quorum Sensing

The development of non-invasive methods for monitoring chemical communication in bacterial populations is important to provide fundamental insights into these processes as well as the necessary knowledge to manipulate these systems for applications... (Read more)
3rd July 2017
(i) LLPS heating BSA-YCl_3 samples above the lower critical temperature (gold star). Copyright: University of Tübingen

Proteins as Soft Matter: Interactions, Phase Behaviour and Health Research

Protein-protein interactions govern phase behaviour and stability in protein solutions. For this reason, they are relevant to the understanding of physiological and pathological processes, and crucial for the formulation and storage of biopharmaceuticals... (Read more)
2nd July 2017
Finite element simulations show that a combination of convection and thermodiffusion enriches formamide in the pore (contour plot). The graph illustrates the accumulation normalized to the reservoir concentration ω_0 over time for different ω_0. The accumulation saturates around a formamide concentration of 85 wt%. The time necessary to reach the plateau τ_plateau depends on the reservoir concentration ω_0 (inset). Copyright: Forschungszentrum Jülich

Origin of Life: Accumulation of Formamide in Hydrothermal Pores to Form Prebiotic Nucleobases

One of the central questions of humankind is: which chemical and physical conditions are necessary to make life possible? In this “origin-of-life” context, formamide plays an important role, because it has been demonstrated... (Read more)
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