• Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the blending of humins and PLA, the production of humins from sugar-based feedstocks, and the production of PLA from sugar cane crop residues. Copyright: Dilhan Kandemir. All rights reserved.
    Upcycling Humins into Valuable Materials
    Advancing sustainable materials development: Researchers from SoftComp partner KU Leuven, Belgium, have introduced a novel strategy to upcycle humins, a major by-product of biorefineries, into new materials , advancing materials development using sustainable... (Read more)
  • Figure 1: Aspect ratio is a crucial network building block property, defining network formation, architecture, and mechanics in synthetic and living systems. (Left) Schematic representation of the aspect ratios (AR) of protein L polyprotein constructs and fibrin proto-fibers. (Middle) A schematic representation of the two dominated formation regimes: translation diffusion limited (TDL) where building blocks can only interact by translating their centre of mass; and rotationally diffusion limited (RDL) where building blocks are able to interact purely via rotation about their centre of mass. (Right) The fitted increase in mechanical rigidity as a function of aspect ratio with inserted schematics showing the change in structural topology as the system transitions from TDL to RDL formation above the critical aspect ratio, ARc. Copyright: Image partly published in Hughes M. D. G. et al., Nat. Commun. 14, 5593 (2023) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
    Biology Exploits Geometry
    Impact of Aspect Ratio on Protein Network Assembly: Scientists at SoftComp partner University of Leeds and STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, have made an exciting discovery about the functional advantages of high aspect... (Read more)



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 SoftComp Partners

All partners of SoftComp share a common goal: to obtain a detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms and properties of complex, multi-component soft matter composites in oder to to provide a fundamental basis for an intelligent engineering of materials and their processing. Currently, 36 groups from 32 institutions in 12 European countries build the consortium.

 Methods & Instruments

The joint use of methods and instruments plays a major role in achieving integration between the SoftComp partners. Three research platforms assemble the different technical and scientific abilities present in the network: Synthesis, Experimental Techniques, and Theoretical and Numerical Methods.

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