
2nd July 2017
Large, temporary clusters lead to a dramatic slowdown in diffusion for patchy proteins. Copyright: Universität Lund

Dramatic Influence of Patchy Attractions on Short-Time Protein Diffusion under Crowded Conditions

Protein diffusion is pivotal for the functional properties of biological systems. Here we use quasielastic neutron scattering experiments combined with computer simulations to obtain quantitative information about the short-time diffusion of proteins in... (Read more)
1st July 2017
Participants of the RheoSAS workshop at the ILL. Copyright: ILL/S. Claisse

ISMC Satellite Workshop RheoSAS: Development of New Methodologies

The SoftComp topical workshop “In-situ rheology for neutron and X-ray scattering techniques” (RheoSAS), a satellite event of the ISMC2016, took place on 19-21 September 2016 at the ILL. Scientists from Europe and North-America... (Read more)
1st July 2017
Attendees of the ISMC2016 in front of the Alpes Congrès Center. Copyright: Serge Claisse@ILL,, reprinted by permission of Taylor & Francis LLC, from Fragneto G at al., Neutron News, 2016;28(1):11-14.

ISMC2016 Attracts Nearly 700 Soft Matter Scientists

The 4th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2016) from 12-16 September 2016 in Grenoble brought together nearly 700 scientists working in the field of soft matter including 200 students... (Read more)
Research Gate