Scientific Highlights

26th October 2021
Experimental maps of the local dynamics over 1 s for a biopolymer under creep, measured by time- and space-resolved dynamic light scattering. Labels: time before failure. Copyright: University of Montpellier and CNRS

Creep Dynamics and Failure of a Biopolymer Gel

Failure is a topic that has received a lot of attention in the community of soft matter from a scientific and industrial point of view. Among soft systems, understanding failure in biopolymer gels... (Read more)
20th October 2021
Schematic representation of our modelling pipeline. A neural network trained with an ensemble of protein conformations learns an internal model of their conformational space. This model can then be interrogated to generate new, plausible conformations. Copyright: Durham University

Sampling Protein Conformational Space

Scientists at Durham University, UK, present an approach for the prediction of intermediate protein... (Read more)
7th August 2020
Surface pattered with 3D soft mushroom features showing adhesion via mechanical interlocking of mushroom features onto a textile fabric. Copyright: Wageningen University & Research

3D Printed Bioinspired Surface Patterning for Soft Robotics

Research work by Wageningen University and Groningen University shows that 3D mushroom-shaped surface features have desirable mechanical functionality to adhere to soft and rough surfaces such as fabrics via mechanical... (Read more)
7th August 2020

Designing Optimal Super-liquid-repellent Surfaces

Scientist from Durham University research into doubly reentrant surfaces designed for optimal water... (Read more)