SoftComp webinar: Prof. Randall Kemian – 20 February 2025, 15:00 CET

Fi. 1: Schematic illustrating the role of GRP phase transitions in the formation of the tick cement cone. Copyright: authors
Tricks from Ticks
5th February 2025
Figure 1: Aspect ratio is a crucial network building block property, defining network formation, architecture, and mechanics in synthetic and living systems. (Left) Schematic representation of the aspect ratios (AR) of protein L polyprotein constructs and fibrin proto-fibers. (Middle) A schematic representation of the two dominated formation regimes: translation diffusion limited (TDL) where building blocks can only interact by translating their centre of mass; and rotationally diffusion limited (RDL) where building blocks are able to interact purely via rotation about their centre of mass. (Right) The fitted increase in mechanical rigidity as a function of aspect ratio with inserted schematics showing the change in structural topology as the system transitions from TDL to RDL formation above the critical aspect ratio, ARc. Copyright: Image partly published in Hughes M. D. G. et al., Nat. Commun. 14, 5593 (2023) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Biology Exploits Geometry
6th February 2025

The SoftComp is glad to announce the first SoftComp webinar 2025 in the field of soft matter sciences.  The SoftComp webinars are open to SoftComp as well as to non-SoftComp members, please feel free to distribute the link to anyone who can be interested.


20 February 2025 at 15:00 CET

A Bouquet for Apollonius: Cholesteric Droplets and Their Conic Sections

Randall Kemian, Univ. Pennsylvania, USA


Research Gate
Research Gate