Strengthening Scientific Excellence

SoftComp partners can make use of large-scale facilities such as neutron scattering through the Network’s Experimental Platform.
Copyright: W. Schürmann/TUM
The SoftComp Network has set up an infrastructure aimed at bringing together a critical mass of resources and expertise that will underpin European leadership in research on soft-matter composites.
Research into soft matter requires diverse resources, including the skills required to create complex and sometimes exotic materials, combined with a wide range of experimental equipment to characterise them. In order to achieve a quantitative understanding at the deepest level, it is also essential to model the behaviour of materials theoretically or numerically on a computer, or both. Individual research groups working on soft matter often specialise in particular aspects. They may have developed a novel instrument or methodology for measuring properties, or, if theorists, they may have a particular simulation method that can then be applied to a wide range of problems. They may make new materials with model structures that are ideal for testing fundamental properties predicted by theory, or for exploring attributes of commercial interest, or even for validating the performance of commercial equipment.
Three Research Platforms
The SoftComp Network of Excellence has been able to integrate all these activities by establishing three Research Platforms, through which scientists can access he resources available in partner laboratories. These are:
The aim of this infrastructure is to strengthen research capabilities within the SoftCompcommunity by providing the means to ensure that the outcomes of research are fully optimised in an efficient and economic way. Each platform is coordinated by a designated scientist, through whom research teams can make appropriate arrangements for access to materials and equipment, as well as any necessary training; the Network’s central budget has allocated support.
How to Proceed
Once you found samples, equipment or theoretical tools, you can apply for central SoftComp funding for a platform visit. In this case use the following link:
After the platform visit, sample exchange, or any other interaction with the platform you need to report the nature of the collaboration. In this case please use the following link:
For details of what each platform can offer please choose one of the navigation bar headings. An additional feature is the SoftComp dedicated cluster, which is available to SoftComp members.