Marie-Curie Post-doc in Soft Matter at the Institut Laue-Langevin


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Marie-Curie Post-doc in Soft Matter at the Institut Laue-Langevin

9th June 2020 - 9th September 2020

Dear Colleagues,


the Partnership of Soft Condensed Matter, located on the EPN Campus in Grenoble, is looking for young researchers, holding a doctoral degree in the domain of soft condensed matter, not having worked in France for more than 12 months in the last three years, and is willing to apply for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF). The deadline for application to the MSCA program is September 9th and the guide for applicants can be downloaded here.


The EPN campus hosts the Institut Laue-Langevin, the European Synchrotron radiation facility, in addition to partner institutes such as the Institute of Structural Biology. The Partnership of Soft Condensed Matter is a laboratory run by the ILL and the ESRF and provides a broad suite of preparation and characterization techniques in the domain of soft matter (


If you are interested in applying for a MSCA grant, with a focus on fundamental research in the domain of soft matter, please send me a very one-page description of the project and your cv. If the project fits in the research activities of the PSCM, we will be happy to support your application. Do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. I apologize if you received this email more than once.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

Leonardo Chiappisi

Dr. Leonardo CHIAPPISI
Scientific Coordinator of the PSCM
Institut Max von Laue – Paul Langevin (ILL)
71, avenue des Martyrs – CS 20156
38042 Grenoble cedex 9 – France
+33 (0)4 76 20 79 53


Research Gate


9th June 2020 @ 8:00 am
9th September 2020 @ 5:00 pm


Leonardo Chiappisi, Institut Laue-Langevin
Research Gate