Dear all. At IBI-4 of Forschungszentrum Juelich we are looking for a doctoral candidate to work in the framework of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Network BIOMAC-BP. This consortium…
Find out more »Purpose: The Marie-Sklodowska-Curie doctoral network BIOMAC-BP (Bio-Stabilized Multi-Phase Materials as Carriers for Biopesticides) sets out to address the issue of synthetic pesticide use by developing sustainable…
Find out more »We are delighted to announce that the International Workshop on Advances in Mechanobiology: From Mechanical Sensing to Cell and Tissue Response will take place in Napoli…
Find out more »We are excited to announce the SoftComp/EUSMI Annual Meeting 2025, a premier forum for SoftComp participants to engage, discuss, and collaborate on cutting-edge scientific research and joint…
Find out more »Dear colleagues, we are pleased to announce the Advanced School for PhD students “Nano-photodevices for bacterial detection and treatment – NAnoPhotOLI2025” which will take place next…
Find out more »he BAI workshop stands out by bringing internationally renowned speakers, experts in very diverse fields from Virology, Soft Matter, MicroBiology, Physics and Fluid Mechanics:Mohsen Bagheri, (Max Planck…
Find out more »Active matter has emerged as a field with strong ties to non-equilibrium soft condensed matter and biological physics. Successes of the field include describing the dynamics…
Find out more »The school is addressed to students and researchers both from industry and academic institutions and is open to all with an interest in the structure and…
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