The management structure is composed of the following bodies:

The Network Governing Board (NGB), consisting of one voting representative of all partners involved in the NoE, is responsible for the legally binding decisions of the network-related matters on the strategic level.

The coordination of the network is the responsibility of a Network Coordination Committee (NCC) . The coordination committee is the decision-making body for issues related to the project management and coordination.

The NCC and the NGB are chaired by the Network Coordinator who is the intermediary to the commission and who holds the responsibility for the administration of the network together with the NCC.

A Network Office (NO) run by the Network Manager (NM) has been installed to support the administrative duties of the network coordinator and the NCC, as well as to prepare advice in legal matters.

The network is structured in Network Areas, which have been defined by the NGB. Each network area corresponds to a scientific area in which the integration is carried out. Each chairman of the Network Area Board is member of the NCC and coordinates defined work packages.

Specific Task Forces dealing with intellectual property, dissemination and exploitation and gender equality advise the NCC in these matters.

Similarly, Network Platforms have been set up to in the areas of synthesis, experimental techniques and theory and computing, which are topics that need to be integrated across the different network areas.


Research Gate